Hi all
I have 2 lans
wan: dhcp client
lan1: static ip and works as dhcp server
lan2: static ip and works as dhcp server
lan1 uses wan for connecting to internet
in firewall:
for some reasons I want to define another interface like wan2 so works as dhcp client for lan1 and also acts as wan for connecting to internet for lan2 (and ofcourse have IP like 192.168.1.x)
I mean:
in firewall:
and because wan2 is dhcp client of lan1 and lan1=>wan so I can connect to internet by lan2
I repeat my purpose is to create an interface that be dhcp client for lan1 and I can configure it in firewall to be wan port for lan2
what shoud I do?
am I need vlans?
please help
Best Regards!