OpenWrt Forum Archive

Topic: No wifi issue on D-Link DSL 2740B

The content of this topic has been archived on 13 Apr 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.

Hi all,

As title i have the D-Link DSL 2740B (EU) rev F1;
OpenWrt CC 15.05 (installed the recommended image).

I have installed kmod-ath9k as suggested from my router's wiki page but the /etc/conf/wireless after "wifi detect ..." still remains blank.

I have also tried installing wpad-mini and followed this post, that seems have my similar issue:

I have reproduced all the steps successfully until the last one, when my wifi is not showing up.

my config (manually added):

config wifi-device  radio0
    option type    'mac80211'
    option channel  '5'
    option hwmode '11ng'
    option macaddr '00:27:19:c6:xx:xx' # i have entered this mac for testing
    option htmode HT20'
    list ht_capab 'SHORT-GI-40'
    list ht_capab 'DSSS_CCK-40'

config wifi-iface
    option device   'radio0'
    option network  'lan'
    option mode    'ap'
    option ssid     'OpenWrt'
    option encryption 'none'

After applying these configuration wifi section appears in luci but it shows "wifi is disabled or not associated" both enabling or disabling wifi; with the db percentage only at 0 and obviously no wifi (tested from other clients).

If i try to modify the wifi settings from luci but not touching any parameters and  save all it shows me the error described in these two tickets (the 'hwmodelist' (a nil value) error ):



Any ideas?
Could be a stupid wifi mac problem, because i have manually entered one for testing, and isn't allowed?

There's been a lot of tweaks and fixes to the ath9k functionality in the LEDE source tree. Your router is supported by LEDE, as well, so I recommend giving it a spin.

Remember to "forget config" when doing the upgrade, as sometimes the OpenWRT configs are not compatible with LEDE's corresponding ones. It's easier to start from scratch.

The discussion might have continued from here.