OpenWrt Forum Archive

Topic: no-ip with blackfire 10.03.1

The content of this topic has been archived on 24 Apr 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.

hello, i can not update my ddns with anyone can help me?

two things,
1) I would update the OpenWrt version, the current version is 15.05.1
2) error messages are always very helpful

I can not update to 15.05.1 because I need to compile and I'm not able to install some libraries in the toolchain sad
as soon as I can attach the log
thank you

should you help install libusb in the toolchain? smile
thank you so much.

which router do you use?

Pirelli agpf (bcm63xx)

in installing libraries in the toolchain or in the operation of ddns?

I installed the latest version on the router .. but then I could not put the libraries in the toolchain linaro

(Last edited by trygun on 14 Sep 2017, 11:14)

As I understand you, you are familiar with coping files between the router and your PC.
Why not copying the needed files of current ddns-scripts from Github the the right location on your router ?
!!! the old luci-app-ddns is not compatible with the current version !!!

The discussion might have continued from here.