It's been a few years since I've been active in flashing firmware... so please forgive me if this topic has already been addressed... I could not find it.
In an attempt to save cellular data, I'd like to build a mobile hotspot re-router... in effect, a wifi-to-wifi router with firmware that will seek and use public hotspots, then feed them to the users in my car... wife, kids, pets, then self.
I'm a Comcast customer, and our town is flooded with public hotspots... including their residential Gateways that have public hotspots enabled.
I plan on using an external antenna (with gain) for the "external" connectivity, probably on a mag-mount. (2.4GHz only)
Is there such functionality in open-wrt/dd-wrt/other-wrt?
Comcast names all of their public hotspots "xfinitywifi", and once you login to one (with your Comcast user creds), you auto-login to all.