OpenWrt Forum Archive

Topic: Secondary WIFI with custom DNS

The content of this topic has been archived on 5 Apr 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.

Hi All,

My objective is to create an internet access for my kid's iPAD using a different DNS with content filter. The following is what I have done and trying to achieve it.

1. A new WIFI SSID "WIFI_KID" is created. My kid's iPAD can connect to the WIFI successfully.
2. A new interface called "WAN_KID" is created and bound with the "WIFI_KID". I have added the custom DNS information in this interface as well.
3. Under firewall setting, I have setup the "WAN_KID" to forward to "WAN" which is the internet access point.
4. Rules for DHCP and DNS are also created to allow access for such services.

After all these, my kid's iPAD is able to access the internet using the new WIFI connection. However, the DNS is still my existing DNS instead of the new old with content filtering. Under the setting of my kid's iPAD, the DNS is shown as the IP of the interface WAN_KID.

I am not expert in networking and please point me to somewhere that I can find a proper solution. Thanks!


You try to do what I did for a commercial project. So I can give you only general direction:
It is possible to set up multiple instances of dnsmasq, one for unfiltered DNS, one for filtered.

(Last edited by augustus_meyer on 15 Sep 2017, 07:18)

The discussion might have continued from here.