Hi all
First post following a sucessful install on my MR18 (using method 3).
I have OpenWRT running well, and have configured the MR18 as a dumb AP, as I already have a Cisco E3000 running DDWRT as my main router.
The problem I have (this could be stupidity or not) is that I can't get the Merkaki to broadcast on the 5GHZ radio.
All settings are pretty much as per the wiki page.
I started giving it the same name as the 2.4 radio, but couldn't see it, so I change the name but could still only see the 2.4 radio.
I was careful when usig the UART to ensure I didn't disturb any antenna cables, but it's possible that I snagged one, however I wanted to check if I'd missed an obvious soft setting before dismantling the case again..
Please let me know what I can provide settings wise - I'll need to stick any images up somewhere first - or if you can guide me through the CLI I'm happy to provide output from there...