Sorry for disturbing...,im very-newbie here,hihi

i have an Vodafone HG553 thats i install OpenWRT,this why i install OpenWRT:

1.i want make an FTP with samba with 2TB Samsung EVO850 (NTFS)/Share HDD to Wifi
2.make internet from a tethring with an Samsun* S7

I facing many probs,i have downloading Barrierbreaker,Chaos,bla bla.

first thing,i install Usb tethring package and USB storage package and its readed in router.
second,i make a network interface with usb0 lan/S7 Usb tethring,its workin on ping test on luci
third,i make an wifi ap,called Station
fourth,i can't access over wifi.

in interface configuration on wifi0,i check usb0/tethring,i can open interne but i cant open the

The internet working,but can be acess on wifi

But if i check the br-lan and usb0/tethring the internet cant be opened and only can be opened

After i lan0 interface to or another,i lost connection to the fuckin router,i think its hopeless.

and after i hopeless,i failsafe the device and lost all the package,feel mad,so i install many packages,i configure my hdd,but it detected as a /dev/sda

so i make an mount,i mount /dev/sda to /mnt/sda

i open samba config,i set directory to / and make the acess to 0777

i open,and it cant be open,i feel so-crazy.

i've been trying to do something for 3 days,but hopeless..

The thing should be fix :

i can tether my S7 to Router and share it over wifi,but i want to open luci on wifi,but in reality,i can't configurating this,and Luci just can be opened via lan,cannot via wifi.

and i want share smb/hdd to my macbook,iphone,etc over wifi.thats it,just that.

can i?

please h.e.l.p me huhu

The network that i want is like this

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Please reply-quickly!