I bought a Zappiti Media Player with Android and OpenWrt inside.
I discovered there is a BitTorrent inside too
I installed a 1TB Harddrive and would like to write torrent files on it.
When I use Transmission on my Win 7 PC or Vuze (Android app) on my Zappitti player, I can download torrent but it write on the internal memory which have only 8GB left so the memory is almost instantly full.
My question is : How can I write to the HDD, which path do I have to set in the transmission web page options ?
I tried "/storage/1E5451CB5451A5F5/Android/data/com.vuze.torrent.downloader/files/Vuze/Torrent" or "/storage/1E5451CB5451A5F5/Torrent"
1E5451CB5451A5F5 is my HDD ID
Downloading start but it write nothing on the disk and after a few seconds, I get a "Unable to save resume file: No space left on device" on Transmission remote (Of course I have 1TB free on the HDD)
Original OpenWrt path is "/tmp/transmission/done" (which work but on the internal very limited memory)
Thank you for your help