I have to preface this by saying that I have not yet installed openwrt on my router, I'm just wondering if it has the functionality I'm looking for.
I set up my WR1043ND router to act as a WDS bridge between my local Ethernet network and a wifi network (public network, but with portal login) I have access to. My problem is that the connection is cut every day, approximately. I have tracked down the issue to the wifi network's channel, which seems to change regularly (there are multiple antennas in the network). Changing the channel manually in the router's web interface, to match the wifi network fixes the issue.
The default TP Link firmware doesn't seem to be able to match the wifi network's channel automatically, when it changes. I would like to know if openwrt can do that, before flashing my router.
(Last edited by JMuller on 17 Sep 2017, 20:00)