OpenWrt Forum Archive

Topic: OpenWRT + GL-iNet6408 (6416) ( WiFi Client / LAN1, LAN2 )

The content of this topic has been archived on 25 Apr 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.

Hello, I would like to ask you for help with setting up OpenWrt, I can not get the HW to be a WiFi client (without routing) and 2 LAN cable outlets (LAN 1, LAN 2).
WiFi AP has IP
WiFi Client should have
1PC connected to LAN 1
2PC connected to LAN 2

Thank you

I am sorry for my English.
How can I add an image?

Setting up a bridged wireless client requires specific support from the wireless driver that is operating your wireless radio IC or SoC. Most drivers available for OpenWRT do not support this operation mode, the Broadcom proprietary driver being a notable exception. However, using this proprietary driver requires that you also have a Broadcom wireless chipset on your router.

Since your router model is using an Atheros chipset, I recommend you look at the following wiki page for steps on how to configure a pseudobridge with the help of relayd daemon:

How can I add an image?

Store the image to Imgur, or similar image upload service, and post the link here, either as a raw link or by using the 'img' HTML element (you can find this from the toolbar). Note that you cannot post links yet; you will need to gain reputation first by posting ordinary messages.

(Last edited by Antek on 25 Sep 2017, 07:24)

Thank you

The discussion might have continued from here.