OpenWrt Forum Archive

Topic: Personalized home page

The content of this topic has been archived on 27 Mar 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.

Hi everyone.

My name is David and this is my first post.

I've been using OPEN WRT since a couple of years and it's really a great product. Thanks for that.

I'm the owner of a company manufacturing industrial equipment which require to be remotely management.
I have been using various industrial solutions and finally moved to a much cheaper (and reliable) solution: GL INET routers in particular model AR-300M which is based on OPENWRT.
We stick (no DIN RAIL casing available, what a pity) to our machine control panel and it provide access via vpn (our own vpn server), to our technical department.

The difficult part is the initial setup.
Our machine reach various part of the world and customer install it by himself.
He need to connect a computer, and setup internet connection (wifi).
As usual, search wifi from his factory, key in the password and it's done.... we are online.

Although we are very much satisfied with this product, the home page is offering too many options.
It has to be like this for any private (normal) use where user can configure as many option possible.
But in our case we need to limit only to INTERNET (WIFI) SETUP.

The router main page is not LUCI which can be reached through a separate button.
I don't know how to load a photo here, otherwise I would have posted it.

My question (I've searched around but can't find anything)
Is there a way to "implement" a simple web page where I place a button.
The user will login, press button (which search for the WIFI available), select the prefered one, key in the password and got a message like "It' DONE. You can close this page".

Explain to a customer, to login to LUCI, and step by step activate the WIFI will simply bring him to a new world where curiosity will make a disaster....
We use to buy 100 pieces of this router per order from GL INET.
We asked them how to modify the home page, but they say it's not possible (bullshit).

Let me know

Is it the same as, i.e. could OpenWRT firmware be downloaded from OpenWRT-repository?

You can use LEDE: … _gl-ar300m

GL.iNet has modified OpenWRT, I got what you means, start page is modified page, and clicking something like "advanced settings" redirects you to native OpenWRT page. I don't no, what to say. The question is how to get sources for their modifications to customize them. You can modify files on working router, but how to implement modifications to firmware file? Maybe it is better to customize OpenWRT version or LEDE? The simplest case is to provide bash script for initial setup, it is trivial in your case.

(Last edited by ulmwind on 24 Sep 2017, 11:17)

No it's a different model, a travel version one.
Anyway yes indeed is loaded with OPENWRT/LEDE already.

When I login to the router ( I got a default home page which is made by GLinet.
I can still login to OPENWRT through a small button, if I want.
It's a great product really.
It's idiot proof.
I have given them to our technicians when they travel (for maintenance) and no one came back complaining.
They use in their hotel rooms to share 1 internet connection.

But the problem is the standard home page is offering too many options (as should be for a home user product) like CLOUD / SHARE / DLNA / etc.

I would like to remove all these (I mean remove from their home page while keep them installed).

I have done a great progress with Raspberry, arriving to have exactly same function of this GLnet router.
I miss the last one: create a very simple webpage where customer will access to connect to his wifi router.
I don't mind to switch to any other router (any board with a price below US$50), start rom vanilla version of OPENWRT or standard default LEDE and add when I need from there.
But I will stuck when I need to have a front-end wifi setup home page.....

There are different variants of the AR-300 (M/A/N) Pls, specify exactly, which one you use (because of different chipsets).
As you need a commercial app, I am happy to provide a custom image, also under NDA.
Just post a project on freelancer dot com, and you will get at least one offer.
DIN-rail mounted devices usually are more expensive. However, having worked with various Chinese OEMs,
there might be the option to mount a supported board (i.e. based on MT7620A) within case for DIN-rails.
You can reach me as augustus_meyer AT
(One of the good old German engineers. Confirmed by my feedbacks on freelancer)

(Last edited by augustus_meyer on 24 Sep 2017, 14:35)

So what do you want? I suggest you to modify LEDE firmware, adding to it web-page for your settings. You will be able to flash it to new routers.
Also we can remove features from installed firmware, and make image. Now I've understood it. But I don't know, whether it will be persistent modification in upgrade.

(Last edited by ulmwind on 24 Sep 2017, 17:10)

The discussion might have continued from here.