Hello guys, new here smile

I've tried to look for a solution to my issue but without any success.

I've a no name/unbranded Wifi Extender, I bought on a local store but saw that it's pretty common on internet and on chinese marketplaces, here a photo: images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/31FsafBJmLL._SX355_.jpg

I've also this one: i.ytimg.com/vi/200TktoSxoI/maxresdefault.jpg

They have the same web page as configurator: youtube.com/watch?v=DTgZlNg3uNA

Why I've to install OpenWRT on it? I've a WPA2 Enterprise that should be extended. It needs username/password to login and this extender only allow to use the password.

After looking around the web I found out - on an Italian website - that with OpenWRT I can "upgrade" my extender to use the WPA2 Enterprise (using TP-Link or other well know brands). But I don't know if my extender is capable to do it.

The extender's homepage have something that allow me to upgrade the firmware so I believe that I should be able to install a kind of custom firmare into and be able to login to this WiFi, isn't?

So to sum up:
- I've this cheap wifi extender
- I can upload custom firmware - or at least I can upgrade the firmware
- I've a WPA2 Enterprise

Is something easy to do or it's better to find a new wifi extender?

Thank you so much!