OpenWrt Forum Archive

Topic: MR3020 Help!

The content of this topic has been archived on 24 Mar 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.

I think I may have completely f'd this one. It isn't connecting through putty or Luci, Both time out. If I run windows diagnostics it comes back with ethernet doesn't have valid IP configuration. I'm not sure how I would be able to fix it if it won't let me into the box to change anything.

Has anyone had this issue before and managed to fix it, FIngers crossed.

Thanks for your help in advance.

Which OpenWrt version did you flash to the MR3020?
What else have you done after flashing?

Chaos Calmer 15.05.1, I've been trying to set it up to take a USB aerial, there is another thread a bit earlier on in general discussion.

Essential I was just messing around in the network settings, I think the last thing I did before it went bad was resetting the interface settings to try and force it away from the built in aerial although there is a high chance it's messed with the ethernet out.

What is a USB aerial?  Do you mean a USB wireless adapter with a physical antenna on it.  If so it's worth stating the specific product and the packages (USB and drivers) you have installed.  Config would also be useful

My apologies, it is a USB wireless adapter, running of the Ralink RT3070 chipset. The brand I believe is KuWfi. It's the 150Mbps one off amazon. It works fine plugged directly into my laptop and I'd had it recognised as a second radio on the MR3020 and was just struggling to get it to connect up to a nearby wifi signal. I've installed kmod-rt2800-usb and rt2800-usb-firmware packages. The actual adapter was working fine, it was picking up the distant wifi signals when scanned.

However then it just stopped, the box is fine but the thing won't connect to the web interface or the putty one. When I plug it into a pc via ethernet it comes up as ethernet doesn't have valid IP configuration. The failsafe mode, unfortunately, didn't work either.

When you boot it up, does one of the LEDs flash fast for a few seconds, then slower, then light up solid?

To enter failsafe mode you should hit (and release) the reset button several times while the LED is flashing fast. If you were successful it will start to flash really fast constantly.   Then you should be able to telnet or ssh (depending on the version) to log in at

Do this with the USB device unplugged.  Also make sure your power supply is good.  Cheap phone chargers often aren't good for pocket routers.

The discussion might have continued from here.