I used the TP-LInk TL-WR740N router as client mode with the DD-WRT firmware, because it supports 802.1x PEAP security.
then I bought a TL-WA801ND to improve my signal, but it is not compatible with DD-WRT.
Searching the internet, I've seen that OPEN-WRT is also compatible with 802.1x PEAP and I understand that I need a file called "wpa_supplicant" or "hostapd".
But in the firmware I installed there are no such files. I tried installing it using a tutorial I found, but there is an error:
"Collected errors:
* wfopen: LINK/snapshots/trunk/ar71xx/generic/packages/base/hostapd_2016-06-15-1_ar71xx.ipk:] No such file or directory.
* pkg_init_from_file: Failed to extract control file from LINK/snapshots/trunk/ar71xx/generic/packages/base/hostapd_2016-06-15-1_ar71xx.ipk."
I did not understand why the developers of OPEN-WRT complicated something so simple. In DD-WRT simply connect and choose the desired security.
Even if I can solve my problem with your help, I would like to leave a question to simplify this.
Thank you very much!