Hello !
I am trying to add an OpenVPN client to my router, although I am a beginner in this world.
My router is a fatbox G3 manufactured by amplified engineering
It seems to be running OpenWrt, and already has the OpenVPN config file, which makes me hope that I can install a client on my device... The version output is :
root@FATBOX:~# cat /etc/banner
fw_G3_2_3_6 3.0.35
FATBOX G3 Cellular Gateway Router
Developed in Australia
Now when I try to follow the tuto for the openVPN installation, I get stuck at the first step : I can update opkg, but the cmd
opkg install openvpn-openssl openvpn-easy-rsa
Unknown package 'openvpn-openssl'.
Unknown package 'openvpn-easy-rsa'.
Collected errors:
* opkg_install_cmd: Cannot install package openvpn-openssl.
* opkg_install_cmd: Cannot install package openvpn-easy-rsa.
and the only package I find somewhat connected to openvpn is collectd-mod-openvpn_5.7.2-2_imx6.ipk
Could anyone help me ? I am available if you have any question !