Hi there, after hours of searching guides as well as unsuccessfull experiments I'm turning to the forum hoping for good information:
I'm running 15.05.1 on the TP-Link WL-WR710N and I'm looking for a configuration to bridge (masqueraded) two separate wifi networks into two other networks seperately of each other. (Incidentally one repeated network shall have no security (but thats not relevant IMHO) Here's a picture:
Internet <-> Wifi A (channel 6) *** <-> bridge 1 <-> *** Extended Wifi A1
Internet <-> Wifi B (channel 6) *** <-> bridge 2 <-> *** Extended Wifi B1
Everything between the stars ***, i.e. both bridges, shall take place on one device.
Network and device performance are not an issue! As I understand everything must be on one radio channel. Thats ok, too.
I would be very happy to receive some hints or maybe a concrete configuration to be used in /etc/config/{network,wireless,firewall}. If successfull I'm very willing to use the input to enhance the wiki!
Thank you!
(Last edited by heilbron on 1 Oct 2017, 11:37)