As far as I understand the man pages, the implementation of hostapd_cli can be differerent form OS to OS.
see e.g.
manpages of netbsd ->
or manpages of Debian ->
Hence, in Debian based Linux I can do something like that:
hostapd_cli -p /var/run/hostapd -i [Interface] -a /path/to/script -B
which will send hostapd messages to a script for further processing.
It seems that I do not have these options e.g. in netBSD.
Where can I find information, which options are supported by hostapd_cli in hostapd_utils in the OpenWrt version?
How could I have the same fuctionality like under Debian also in OpenWrt, i.e. how can I send information sent/received by hostapd to an external script?
Thanks a lot for your support.