OpenWrt Forum Archive

Topic: R6100 Netgear - OpenWrt not allowing OEM firmware installation

The content of this topic has been archived on 29 Mar 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.

I installed OpenWrt on my R6100 this afternoon.  It's way beyond my understanding and capabilities.  Following direction, I also downloaded the OEM firmware from Netgear.  When attempting to update/revert to OEM firmware (System > backup/flash Firmware > Flash New Firmware Image), I select the downloaded R6100 v1.0.1.14.img file and hit FLASH, it goes through an upload process then returns the following:

The uploaded image file does not contain a supported format. Make sure that you choose the generic image format for your platform.

I don't know what else to do.  Assistance is greatly appreciated.

The main current issue is that wireless is active, but not serving DHCP.   I have set for Access point, but i dont think that's what I need.  I need wireless to serve DHCP addresses so that the wireless devices can connect.

DHCP should work over wifi the same that it does wired, since they are both in the lan bridge.  Make sure that the IPv6 DHCP server on lan is turned off (it isn't by default), since that will confuse some client devices in an IPV4 only network.  Edit the lan network settings, halfway down the page click the IPv6 tab and set everything to disabled.

A TFTP flash is the best way to revert to stock firmware.  You will need a TFTP client for your PC.  Hold down the reset button while you turn the power on, and keep holding it until the power LED flashes green.  At this point the router is a TFTP server at and you can push a stock firmware to it.  This process works through the bootloader so it doesn't matter which firmware is presently installed.

If you want to stay with OpenWrt, use a LEDE build as the 5 GHz performance is much better.  The R6100 works very well with LEDE.

(Last edited by mk24 on 4 Oct 2017, 12:01)

I would like to stay with OpenWrt, but my panic of not being able to connect wirelessly (I often telework, and I have no network drops in my 'office' area engaged last night.   I have used DDWRT years ago, and it seemed easier for dummies like me to use smile

I'll follow your guidance this evening when I get back home and verify/correct any settings, prior to attempting the tftp reflash to stock.
I'll look into this LEDE build (I'm rather dumb to all of this stuff) and try to understand/learn what you are referring to.

Your response and info is greatly appreciated!


The discussion might have continued from here.