Hi there,
I played with OpenWRT few years ago, almost 10, with a lynksys but never any after.
At the moment I'm trying to improve the security in my home network and I'm looking for new HW too if it make sense for the use.
At the moment I have a modem and the netgear WRN1000v3. THe modem is an old one but still keeping up with the connections. Unfortunately the firmware is bad and doesn't allow port forwarding or changing defaults port. For this reason I instead use the Netgear router which through the modem allow me to connect to the ISP. In other terms I set up my credentials on the router netgear which via the WAN port and the router connects to the ISP.
First question: Is this feature also available in the Openwrt dedicated to the WRN1000v3?
If not who can suggest me a decent router where I can install OpenWRT? I'll be happy if asked to open a new post about modems selection.