OpenWrt Forum Archive

Topic: OpenWrt PTZ camera

The content of this topic has been archived on 25 Apr 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.

Does anyone know of any PTZ security camera either already running openwrt or which could be modified to.

I've been searching for days and come across a lot of webcam projects but nothing like this.

What about taking an USB PTZ cam and hooking that up to an OpenWrt router?

I've been messing with that for a couple of days on and off using mjpg_streamer and it's totally flaky.
Any time I try to hit the url of the web server, I get a segfault.
If I connect the camera after the router is booted, it crashes it and it reboots again.

Just flaky and cannot find enough information to fix the problem. Besides, mjpg_streamer is a jpeg method and I'd like to find a real streaming method. I figured if there is a camera already on the market that can run openwrt, that would be a head start.

The two things I wanted to play with are using the mini router with a usb cam broadcasting h.264 over IP.
The other thing I wanted was to try and find a usb device that has A/V inputs which can work with openwrt.

tmo26, is there any chance you might have some links to share?
What I'm looking for is a way to use an openwrt based device to convert USB video to an h.264 stream to be used with something like zoneminder.

The only thing I can offer: … 16#p245516

Mind the words "painfully slow"...

But that was back then, almost 3 years ago.
I have no idea how this would perform with modern multicore ans GHz SoCs.

BTW: I had a Logitech Sphere working with mjpeg_streamer some time ago.

(Last edited by tmo26 on 10 Oct 2017, 23:05)

I read a lot of older posts and other forums about using mini routers with usb cams for example but maybe these days, people don't bother and go directly to IP cams and video servers.

Basically, I just wanted to try using openwrt as the OS to convert USB video to Onvif IP to be used with external controls such as zoneminder.

(Last edited by projects on 10 Oct 2017, 23:21)

The discussion might have continued from here.