Hi guys,
I currently have an issue with my upload (outbound) which is very and constantly slow. I've been looking for days but I dont seem to find anyone with the same issue. So its probably a config issue.
Router: Linksys WRT1900AC on OpenWrt CC 15.05.1 r49389 (WAN: eth1.7 via PPPoE)
Modem: Zyxel VMG1312-B30A in Bridgemode
ISP: VDSL50 (50/10) by German 1&1 (Telekom)
Browsing web, IPTV (IGMP Proxy), DDNS etc. work like a charm. Inbound is full 48Mbit. QoS tools are completely uninstalled and still pending.
I seem to get a constant Outbound of only 50-100kbit/s. This number is from the real time graphs. Also did I download a file with a remote machine from my Nextcloud Ubuntu server which is in my local network.
A speedtest.net from my Mac (WiFi) and speedtest-cli from my ubuntu machine (ethernet) output 0.00 mbit/s upload, but I feel like this could be a firewall and/or rounding issue. Because using the betterspeedtest.sh script directly from the openwrt router outputs 0.08mbit/s of upload.
What I tested:
Connect my mac to the modem and dial in via PPPoE directly -> full speed up and down
Install lucy-app-qos and started it with defaults-> no difference
Since I do get upstream, can it be a firewall issue? I don't know much about QoS configuration and I do not feel any difference in whether or not qos-scripts is active with defaults?!
So what could be the possible limiting factor?
Thank you
(Last edited by oaigh on 8 Oct 2017, 17:55)