As far as I understand, the LEDE brand is anyway going to die, and the codebase merged back to OpenWRT. Did I understand wrong? Not trolling, honest question, just asking
You got it to the wrong direction:
LEDE is to be renamed as Openwrt, LEDE codebase survives, useful (rather minor) new commits from the current Openwrt codebase are to be merged into LEDE, and the current Openwrt codebase is then to be retired.
(Just remember that practically all active core devs jumped into LEDE 18 months ago and since then the actual development at Openwrt has been rather minor. Like I said earlier, Openwrt trunk mostly is the April 2016 code plus some security fixes.)
See discussion at openwrt-devel mailing list, e.g. at … 41260.html
So, the current LEDE master (or the 17.01.4 stable release) are much closer to what will be called Openwrt after the merge, than the current Openwrt DD trunk.