OpenWrt Forum Archive

Topic: Iphone USB teathering with Tp-Link TL-MR3020 and openwrt

The content of this topic has been archived on 30 Mar 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.

I found some old documentation on this but nothing current, so apologies if I missed something.

I am trying to teather an Iphone 6+ with my Tp-Link TL-MR3020 over USB.

I have managed to teather over wi-fi, and that works well, but I would like to not use wi-fi.  The USB charges my phone fine, so there is some connection.

What I did (after getting wifi working):
- Installed kmod-usb-net-ipheth package
- Deleted the wifi WAN (wifi client)
- Created an interface for the USB using usb0
- Tried to connect but I get a blank mac address, and the blue teather does not come on on the iphone

MAC-Address: 00:00:00:00:00:00
RX: 0.00 B (0 Pkts.)
TX  0.00 B (0 Pkts.)


I also tried iph0 as the interface.

Does anyone know the right interface?

You need to install some more packages ... there is a great tool available for this already. It's called "", it will install all the necessary packages and set up the environment for iphone tethering. It can be found here hxxps:// you may want to change line 200 and 207 to eth2 instead of eth1. many routers already have eth1 present in which case the interface will not be added, using eth2 instead will avoid this conflict. I mentioned it to the other but it has yet to be changed in the source

line 200

if [ -z "`cat /etc/config/network | grep eth1`" ];then

change to 

if [ -z "`cat /etc/config/network | grep eth2`" ];then

line 207

uci set network.usb.ifname='eth1 usb0'

change to

uci set network.usb.ifname='eth2 usb0'

another note is that you may run out of space on a 4mb router, you may squeeze it in if you compile the necessary packages into the image rather then adding them in after.


Thanks for the tip.

Apparently there's a precompiled version


I just need to figure out which version to use!

Ok, so

1.I installed the openwrt-CC-USB_tethering_v5.1-tl-mr3020-v1-squashfs-factory.bin firmware (overwriting current config) from hxxps://
2. rebooted
3. connected ethernet to my computer, got assigned an IP address
4. turned off tethering, connected phone to USB on router, trusted computer, turned on tethering (USB only) and blue bar turned on iPhone showing a connection
5. I logged into router and saw both TX and RX traffic to phone

My issue:
When I ping say, and the IP address gets resolved but I requests time out and I get a 100% packet lost.  I can't browse any sites on my computer (even if I override DNS to

I get the same behavior if I SSH and try the ping from the router.

Any ideas?

(Last edited by juan9999 on 21 Oct 2017, 12:08)

The discussion might have continued from here.