Hello, I am looking for assistance configuring the GL-AR300M v2.261 to route all traffic through a shadowsocks (Socks5) proxy.

When referencing configuration, I am referring to the OpenWRT Luci under Services > Shadowsocks (not my image but this is what it looks like, i.imgur.com/oVU9eg3.png)

I have gone to “Servers Manage” and added

    Alias: shadow
    Server Address: 159.xxx.182.xxx (2&4th octet replaced)
    Server Port: 8388
    Password: (verified to be correct)
    Directly Key: (left blank)
    Encrypt Method: AES-256-CFB
    Plugin Name: (left blank)
    Plugin arguments: (left blank)

Startup delay: 40 seconds

I reboot the device and wait a few minutes,,,,, anndd.. its not working? myip.is shows the proxy is not working.

I am not an expert and any help with this is greatly appreciated


I should note that the device is acting as a bridge, or rather repeater, with interfaces https://imgur.com/a/qP1w0

Me (phone, computer, etc) – OpenWrt repeater – Router – Internet