OpenWrt Forum Archive

Topic: VPN Firewall Rules for Dual Band Radio Repeater (RE450)

The content of this topic has been archived on 8 Apr 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.

Hey guys,

Thank you for all the help with my previous topic of helping me creating a masqueraded private network with my dual band repeater. For those interested, look [here]( … outer/7632).

Right now my setup is as follows:
_Private Wifi Network_ <-- 5 GHz --> _RE450 Repeater_ <-- 2.4 GHz --> _Main Router w/ Internet Access_

My goal is to have all internet traffic originating from the _Private Wifi Network_ pass through a VPN tunnel.

Many guides exist to achieve the same but most of them are written with a single band router in mind. Personally, I wanted to be able to switch on/off the VPN easily (without SSH) using the LuCi UI so I chose to follow [this]( … g-openwrt/) guide.

However, again since the guide is made with single band routers in mind, he mentions that the firewall forwarding settings should be like:

    config zone
        option name 'VPN_FW'
        other options

    config forwarding                               
        option dest 'VPN_FW'                   
        option src 'lan'

Below is a pictorial depiction of what he mentions. Should this work? If yes, it maybe a problem with the VPN itself.

Since I am using a dual band radio, I already have the following forwarding settings in my firewall:

    config forwarding
        option src 'lan'
        option dest 'wan'

I tried adding two forwarding configs such that it forwarding from lan -> VPN_FW -> wan but that did not work. My non-working forwarding config looked like follows:

    config forwarding
        option src 'lan'
        other dest 'VPN_FW'

    config forwarding                               
        option src 'VPN_FW'                   
        option src 'wan'

Would appreciate if anyone could help me with the correct firewall settings to achieve this.

Thank you! smile

(Last edited by openwrt_newbie999 on 25 Oct 2017, 03:34)

The discussion might have continued from here.