First, be logged into the router via wifi so if you mess up the ethernet port configuration you can still log in.
Go to the switch page and set up two VLANs. One (number it VLAN 1) has three of the ports untagged, and tagged to the CPU. The other (make it VLAN 2) has the port you want to use for WAN untagged, and tagged to the CPU. The cable ports need to be untagged in one VLAN and off in the other. The CPU needs to be tagged in both. Note that the cable port numbers are mixed up compared to how they are marked on the box. You can plug and unplug a live cable and watch the status icons to see which one is which.
Then go to the network - wan - physical settings and disconnect eth0 (the non-working original WAN port, which is wired directly to the CPU) and connect eth1.2 (VLAN 2 of eth1) instead. Change the LAN physical port from eth1 to eth1.1. Nothing should be connected to plain eth1.