OpenWrt Forum Archive

Topic: Upgrading OpenWRT on Mikrotik Routerboard

The content of this topic has been archived on 27 Apr 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.

Hello everyone, I need some help. I have a Mikrotik RB433AH hardware which has the unstable version of Chaos Calmer installed on it.
I figured out, that I need to 'downgrade' the version to the stable one, but I don't know how.
I visited this page /chaos_calmer/15.05.1/ar71xx/mikrotik/ and I guess I need to download the openwrt-15.05.1-ar71xx-mikrotik-vmlinux.bin package?

Even then I'm not sure what to do. Sysupgrade is not supported on this hardware, I can't access RB from browser (luci is not supported on stable versions) and I'm scared to use the mtd -r write firmware.bin firmware command (What firmware do I need to download? What partition do I need to install the firmware on? Currently I have those: routerboard, hard_config, bios, soft_config, booter, kernel, rootfs.)

Any help would be appreciated.

(Last edited by dolinar on 27 Oct 2017, 17:00)

Does this help?

unstable version of Chaos Calmer


Chaos Calmer = stable
snapshot / trunk = unstable

(luci is not supported on stable versions)

You are mixing up stable/unstable.

Stable releases come with LuCI, while snapshots/trunk do not come with LuCI.

tmo26 wrote:

Does this help?

unstable version of Chaos Calmer


Chaos Calmer = stable
snapshot / trunk = unstable

(luci is not supported on stable versions)

You are mixing up stable/unstable.

Stable releases come with LuCI, while snapshots/trunk do not come with LuCI.

I thought the bleeding edge after the version name means it is unstable? I'd post a picture of my login screen but I'm not allowed to. Anyways it says CHAOS CALMER (Bleeding Edge, r42925)

And no I'm not mixing stable/unstable haha I rushed while writing this message and I made a mistake. Anyways, I installed Luci, but it's not working (I read that it does not work on unstable versions even if you install it).

dolinar wrote:

I thought the bleeding edge after the version name means it is unstable?

Ah, ok, bleeding edge = snapshot/trunk.

tmo26 wrote:
dolinar wrote:

I thought the bleeding edge after the version name means it is unstable?

Ah, ok, bleeding edge = snapshot/trunk.

Yep. And even tho I have a Mikrotik board I think there is a better way to upgrade the version to the stable one, since I got the unstable version already flashed in. Dont know how tho

Mikrotik has stolen sources and compiled "proprietary" firmware. Throw it.

ulmwind wrote:

Mikrotik has stolen sources and compiled "proprietary" firmware. Throw it.

What does this even mean lol. RouterOS is superior to OpenWRT in pretty much every aspect. It just doesn't support UDPxy which I need really badly atm.

(Last edited by dolinar on 29 Oct 2017, 16:36)

What is the question?

You've answered to your question, that Mikrotik sucks.

This shit doesn't support UDP and lzo in OpenVPN, while EVERY router running OpenWRT supports it.

(Last edited by ulmwind on 29 Oct 2017, 16:44)

r u kidding me? I thought it was a soft sell. lol

dolinar wrote:

RouterOS is superior to OpenWRT in pretty much every aspect.

The discussion might have continued from here.