(cause some wrt devs doesnt read/answer mails..)
i seen recently a common thing about a lot of devices who could run owrt :
there is no clearly explaination about how to install it.
i mean everybody here is supposed to be a geek, but what if somebody have a supported router (exact model), without being a geek, just wanna test openwrt, maybe for experimentations or just gathering knowledge and skills, even for use it everyday;
the matter is, about the wiki:
there is NO any page seems like another;
all pages about devices are just a mass of records and note (which is good) without any organization (not so..);
my suggestion, would be :
why dont put three or four clearly parts in each device file?
Like :
1- Information
data of the device, board, hardware, compatibility..
2. how to install it (few ways, but for example explaining with several methods of flashing..)
3. how to access it..
for example, i expercienced these issues when converting some devices recently :
DG834GT : broadcom based, was able to flash it with backfire, but stopping during boot;
works perfectly on attitude adjustment.
These two last information are not mentionned anywhere in this netgear model page.
neufbox6: no way to find how to flash it. eg, the flashimage.py is a deadlink from old device.
another one, which i could get these days :
a chinese router, some information of it running owrt, but nothing about install it on device.
other thing, i wondered about..
why, instead of having it in a wiki, having a big database of owrt devices?
i mean, just have a search engine, type WRT and all wrt-something models appear...
or with a manufacturer selection before.... could be great to avoid spending hours in the wiki..
just suggestion:)