I recently purchased the WE-826T, with Sim Card port. I inserted the my data card and expected a clear cut path to configuring it. No luck, the required input if any is very confusing to an amateur like myself. If someone would please give me simple step by step instructions on where to go and what needs to be input, would be greatly appreciated.
Topic: How to Configure Sim Card to ZBT WE-826T Router
The content of this topic has been archived on 25 Mar 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.
Uh, need way more info.
What kind of LTE card are you using? You realize that you have to install a MiniPcie lte card in thoses. It's not built in.
It's a data sim card, that I signed up for pre paid each month. It fits in the Sim Card slot on the router and even locks in. The slot is on the side in the middle and is labeled SIM.
I can take the metal cover off and see whats inside. Is it possible that the later models came with a sim card slot. It was advertised as having one when I bought the last one that Amazon had.
The SIM card doesn't do anything unless there is also a compatible cellular modem mini-PCIe card installed inside the router.
Then you can follow the 4G setup instructions in the wiki, assuming it is a newer card with LTE. Older cards may need to be set up as 3G.
(Last edited by mk24 on 31 Oct 2017, 19:39)
Well I took the cover off and sure enough the slot for the card is attached to the circuit board.
The card is a newer 4G card with LTE. Now where would I find those 4G setup instructions in the wiki?
A modem card is installed and it is 4G?
What kind of card? Every card is different.
The sim card is a standard 4G LTE smart card that is offered by Claro an Internet Service Provider, and it fits in the Sim slot on the WE826T router.
This is a PCIE 4G modem card. This one is not a good example because it only works with a US carrier, but all modem cards look about the same.
https://www.amazon.com/Sierra-Airprime- … B00JY4SHEY
This is a picture of the inside of a WE826T as it is usually sold, with no modem card installed.
The card fits in the large black socket on the left side marked "15315" The screw holes in the right side of the card secure it to the holes in the router motherboard. The three antenna connectors on the card would lead to antennas that are tuned for the 4G band in use. Three or 4 of the pins in the big connector go to the SIM card slot on the bottom of the router board. The modem reads encrypted data from the SIM to authorize its login on the cellular network. If a modem card is not installed, the SIM card doesn't connect to anything.
There was also an option to fit the WE826 with a 5 GHz ac wifi card instead of a cellular modem. Of course it cannot be used on cellular with that card in the slot, though you can use an external USB modem.
(Last edited by mk24 on 1 Nov 2017, 01:13)
Thank you I have verified that the modem Card is installed in the router, and that the new 4G LTE sim card I got from Kolbi, is standard fits in the modem slot and works in USA devices. Now comes the hard part for me. What settings do I select on the Admin pages of the WE-826T router, and where would I get that information. There are a lot of different settings in the drop downs and I really don't know what is required to get the Sim Card and Router configured properly, Help.
OK with the hardware in order you are going to need to install some device drivers to have it show up as a device. When the drivers are working, the modem should appear as an additional "Ethernet" port that you can connect to the WAN network.
Note that even though the modem is in a PCIe slot, its connection to the CPU is USB. So you will see a lot of references to USB.
This is the OpenWrt wiki page. You can also look at general Linux instructions for your modem, the drivers are the same.
You can get it to work, but it's not easy. The Seirra cards require modem manager I believe. You'll have to compile a new image to get it to work to my knowledge. Sounds like this might be a little tough for you. If you get it working let me know. Which country out of curiosity?
The discussion might have continued from here.