OpenWrt Forum Archive

Topic: bluetooth low energy interface bt0 disconnects after 10-20 minutes

The content of this topic has been archived on 5 May 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.


I built a little setup, with an OpenWRT Router (GL-AR150), a bluetooth low energy dongle and an bluetooth low energy node, which successful connects to the OpenWRT Router on the interface called bt0 and i also able to ping the bluetooth low energy node from my Pc, which is connected via a ethernet cable to the OpenWRT router. My problem is, that this connection always disconnects after 10-20 minuets and i have no idea why this happens. Does anybody have an idea if there is an mechanism inside the OpenWRT system that is responsible for this behavior and how to fix it?


Any useful findings in the logs?

Unfortunately not. I already searched for any hints, with the dmesg command and also inside the logs...

I also compared the routes while the connection is working and after it fails, with route -A inet6, but I can see the address of the node before and after.

Any Ideas?

Best Regards

(Last edited by steffen.jahnke on 1 Nov 2017, 16:02)

The discussion might have continued from here.