I have some issues getting my RT5370 usb wifi card working. Searching through the internet I did not find any applicable solution.
When I try to scan for APs
root@OpenWrt:~# iwinfo wlan0 scan
Scanning not possible
The dmesg output:
[ 1468.524869] hwsim sw_scan request, prepping stuff
[ 1468.524894] ieee80211 phy0: mac80211_hwsim_configure_filter
[ 1468.524945] ieee80211 phy0: mac80211_hwsim_config (freq=2412(2412 - 0)/noht idle=0 ps=0 smps=static)
[ 1468.631441] ieee80211 phy0: mac80211_hwsim_config (freq=2417(2417 - 0)/noht idle=0 ps=0 smps=static)
[ 1468.741434] ieee80211 phy0: mac80211_hwsim_config (freq=2422(2422 - 0)/noht idle=0 ps=0 smps=static)
[ 1468.851446] ieee80211 phy0: mac80211_hwsim_config (freq=2427(2427 - 0)/noht idle=0 ps=0 smps=static)
[ 1468.961434] ieee80211 phy0: mac80211_hwsim_config (freq=2432(2432 - 0)/noht idle=0 ps=0 smps=static)
[ 1469.071434] ieee80211 phy0: mac80211_hwsim_config (freq=2437(2437 - 0)/noht idle=0 ps=0 smps=static)
[ 1469.181458] ieee80211 phy0: mac80211_hwsim_config (freq=2442(2442 - 0)/noht idle=0 ps=0 smps=static)
[ 1469.291438] ieee80211 phy0: mac80211_hwsim_config (freq=2447(2447 - 0)/noht idle=0 ps=0 smps=static)
[ 1469.401434] ieee80211 phy0: mac80211_hwsim_config (freq=2452(2452 - 0)/noht idle=0 ps=0 smps=static)
[ 1469.511442] ieee80211 phy0: mac80211_hwsim_config (freq=2457(2457 - 0)/noht idle=0 ps=0 smps=static)
[ 1469.621438] ieee80211 phy0: mac80211_hwsim_config (freq=2462(2462 - 0)/noht idle=0 ps=0 smps=static)
[ 1469.731438] ieee80211 phy0: mac80211_hwsim_config (freq=2467(2467 - 0)/noht idle=0 ps=0 smps=static)
[ 1469.841437] ieee80211 phy0: mac80211_hwsim_config (freq=2472(2472 - 0)/noht idle=0 ps=0 smps=static)
[ 1469.951439] ieee80211 phy0: mac80211_hwsim_config (freq=2484(2484 - 0)/noht idle=0 ps=0 smps=static)
[ 1470.061439] ieee80211 phy0: mac80211_hwsim_config (freq=5180(5180 - 0)/noht idle=0 ps=0 smps=static)
[ 1470.171440] ieee80211 phy0: mac80211_hwsim_config (freq=5200(5200 - 0)/noht idle=0 ps=0 smps=static)
[ 1470.281442] ieee80211 phy0: mac80211_hwsim_config (freq=5220(5220 - 0)/noht idle=0 ps=0 smps=static)
[ 1470.391439] ieee80211 phy0: mac80211_hwsim_config (freq=5240(5240 - 0)/noht idle=0 ps=0 smps=static)
[ 1470.501447] ieee80211 phy0: mac80211_hwsim_config (freq=5260(5260 - 0)/noht idle=0 ps=0 smps=static)
[ 1470.611443] ieee80211 phy0: mac80211_hwsim_config (freq=5280(5280 - 0)/noht idle=0 ps=0 smps=static)
[ 1470.721441] ieee80211 phy0: mac80211_hwsim_config (freq=5300(5300 - 0)/noht idle=0 ps=0 smps=static)
[ 1470.831444] ieee80211 phy0: mac80211_hwsim_config (freq=5320(5320 - 0)/noht idle=0 ps=0 smps=static)
[ 1470.941445] ieee80211 phy0: mac80211_hwsim_config (freq=5500(5500 - 0)/noht idle=0 ps=0 smps=static)
[ 1471.051444] ieee80211 phy0: mac80211_hwsim_config (freq=5520(5520 - 0)/noht idle=0 ps=0 smps=static)
[ 1471.161447] ieee80211 phy0: mac80211_hwsim_config (freq=5540(5540 - 0)/noht idle=0 ps=0 smps=static)
[ 1471.271444] ieee80211 phy0: mac80211_hwsim_config (freq=5560(5560 - 0)/noht idle=0 ps=0 smps=static)
[ 1471.381446] ieee80211 phy0: mac80211_hwsim_config (freq=5580(5580 - 0)/noht idle=0 ps=0 smps=static)
[ 1471.491448] ieee80211 phy0: mac80211_hwsim_config (freq=5600(5600 - 0)/noht idle=0 ps=0 smps=static)
[ 1471.601447] ieee80211 phy0: mac80211_hwsim_config (freq=5620(5620 - 0)/noht idle=0 ps=0 smps=static)
[ 1471.711449] ieee80211 phy0: mac80211_hwsim_config (freq=5640(5640 - 0)/noht idle=0 ps=0 smps=static)
[ 1471.821450] ieee80211 phy0: mac80211_hwsim_config (freq=5660(5660 - 0)/noht idle=0 ps=0 smps=static)
[ 1471.931450] ieee80211 phy0: mac80211_hwsim_config (freq=5680(5680 - 0)/noht idle=0 ps=0 smps=static)
[ 1472.041449] ieee80211 phy0: mac80211_hwsim_config (freq=5700(5700 - 0)/noht idle=0 ps=0 smps=static)
[ 1472.151452] ieee80211 phy0: mac80211_hwsim_config (freq=5745(5745 - 0)/noht idle=0 ps=0 smps=static)
[ 1472.261483] ieee80211 phy0: mac80211_hwsim_config (freq=5765(5765 - 0)/noht idle=0 ps=0 smps=static)
[ 1472.371455] ieee80211 phy0: mac80211_hwsim_config (freq=5785(5785 - 0)/noht idle=0 ps=0 smps=static)
[ 1472.481452] ieee80211 phy0: mac80211_hwsim_config (freq=5805(5805 - 0)/noht idle=0 ps=0 smps=static)
[ 1472.591457] ieee80211 phy0: mac80211_hwsim_config (freq=5825(5825 - 0)/noht idle=0 ps=0 smps=static)
[ 1472.701464] ieee80211 phy0: mac80211_hwsim_config (freq=2412(2412 - 0)/noht idle=0 ps=0 smps=static)
[ 1472.701485] ieee80211 phy0: mac80211_hwsim_configure_filter
[ 1472.701495] hwsim sw_scan_complete
[ 1472.701539] ieee80211 phy0: mac80211_hwsim_config (freq=2412(2412 - 0)/noht idle=1 ps=0 smps=static)
I'm using openwrt 15-05.1-brcm2708-bcm2709 image on a raspberry pi 2 and following packages are installed
base-files - 157.2-r48532
brcm2708-gpu-fw - 20150210-1
busybox - 1.23.2-1
dnsmasq - 2.73-1
dropbear - 2015.67-1
firewall - 2015-07-27
fstools - 2016-01-10-96415afecef35766332067f4205ef3b2c7561d21
hostapd-common - 2015-03-25-1
ip6tables - 1.4.21-1
iptables - 1.4.21-1
iw - 3.17-1
iwinfo - 2015-06-01-ade8b1b299cbd5748db1acf80dd3e9f567938371
jshn - 2015-11-08-10429bccd0dc5d204635e110a7a8fae7b80d16cb
jsonfilter - 2014-06-19-cdc760c58077f44fc40adbbe41e1556a67c1b9a9
kernel - 3.18.23-1-53057a7eaf7678caec0da6075f620e1f
kmod-cfg80211 - 3.18.23+2015-03-09-3
kmod-crypto-aes - 3.18.23-1
kmod-crypto-arc4 - 3.18.23-1
kmod-crypto-core - 3.18.23-1
kmod-hid - 3.18.23-1
kmod-hid-generic - 3.18.23-1
kmod-input-core - 3.18.23-1
kmod-input-evdev - 3.18.23-1
kmod-ip6tables - 3.18.23-1
kmod-ipt-conntrack - 3.18.23-1
kmod-ipt-core - 3.18.23-1
kmod-ipt-nat - 3.18.23-1
kmod-ipv6 - 3.18.23-1
kmod-lib-crc-ccitt - 3.18.23-1
kmod-lib80211 - 3.18.23+2015-03-09-3
kmod-mac80211 - 3.18.23+2015-03-09-3
kmod-mac80211-hwsim - 3.18.23+2015-03-09-3
kmod-nf-conntrack - 3.18.23-1
kmod-nf-conntrack6 - 3.18.23-1
kmod-nf-ipt - 3.18.23-1
kmod-nf-ipt6 - 3.18.23-1
kmod-nf-nat - 3.18.23-1
kmod-nf-nathelper - 3.18.23-1
kmod-nls-base - 3.18.23-1
kmod-ppp - 3.18.23-1
kmod-pppoe - 3.18.23-1
kmod-pppox - 3.18.23-1
kmod-slhc - 3.18.23-1
kmod-sound-arm-bcm2835 - 3.18.23-1
kmod-sound-core - 3.18.23-1
kmod-usb-core - 3.18.23-1
kmod-usb-hid - 3.18.23-1
libblobmsg-json - 2015-11-08-10429bccd0dc5d204635e110a7a8fae7b80d16cb
libc -
libgcc - 4.8-linaro-1
libip4tc - 1.4.21-1
libip6tc - 1.4.21-1
libiwinfo - 2015-06-01-ade8b1b299cbd5748db1acf80dd3e9f567938371
libiwinfo-lua - 2015-06-01-ade8b1b299cbd5748db1acf80dd3e9f567938371
libjson-c - 0.12-1
libjson-script - 2015-11-08-10429bccd0dc5d204635e110a7a8fae7b80d16cb
liblua - 5.1.5-1
libnl - 3.2.21-1
libnl-tiny - 0.1-4
libpthread -
libubox - 2015-11-08-10429bccd0dc5d204635e110a7a8fae7b80d16cb
libubus - 2015-05-25-f361bfa5fcb2daadf3b160583ce665024f8d108e
libubus-lua - 2015-05-25-f361bfa5fcb2daadf3b160583ce665024f8d108e
libuci - 2015-08-27.1-1
libuci-lua - 2015-08-27.1-1
libxtables - 1.4.21-1
lua - 5.1.5-1
luci - git-16.018.33482-3201903-1
luci-app-firewall - git-16.018.33482-3201903-1
luci-base - git-16.018.33482-3201903-1
luci-lib-ip - git-16.018.33482-3201903-1
luci-lib-nixio - git-16.018.33482-3201903-1
luci-mod-admin-full - git-16.018.33482-3201903-1
luci-proto-ipv6 - git-16.018.33482-3201903-1
luci-proto-ppp - git-16.018.33482-3201903-1
luci-theme-bootstrap - git-16.018.33482-3201903-1
mtd - 21
netifd - 2015-12-16-245527193e90906451be35c2b8e972b8712ea6ab
odhcp6c - 2015-07-13-024525798c5f6aba3af9b2ef7b3af2f3c14f1db8
odhcpd - 2015-11-19-01d3f9d64486ac1daa144848944e877e7f0cb762
opkg - 9c97d5ecd795709c8584e972bfdf3aee3a5b846d-9
ppp - 2.4.7-6
ppp-mod-pppoe - 2.4.7-6
procd - 2015-10-29.1-d5fddd91b966424bb63e943e789704d52382cc18
rpcd - 2015-01-10-f00890cd6eb47ad9bb5da0fb6c50aedc8406e7c5
ubox - 2015-11-22-c086167a0154745c677f8730a336ea9cf7d71031
ubus - 2015-05-25-f361bfa5fcb2daadf3b160583ce665024f8d108e
ubusd - 2015-05-25-f361bfa5fcb2daadf3b160583ce665024f8d108e
uci - 2015-08-27.1-1
lua - 5.1.5-1
luci - git-16.018.33482-3201903-1
luci-app-firewall - git-16.018.33482-3201903-1
luci-base - git-16.018.33482-3201903-1
luci-lib-ip - git-16.018.33482-3201903-1
luci-lib-nixio - git-16.018.33482-3201903-1
luci-mod-admin-full - git-16.018.33482-3201903-1
luci-proto-ipv6 - git-16.018.33482-3201903-1
luci-proto-ppp - git-16.018.33482-3201903-1
luci-theme-bootstrap - git-16.018.33482-3201903-1
mtd - 21
netifd - 2015-12-16-245527193e90906451be35c2b8e972b8712ea6ab
odhcp6c - 2015-07-13-024525798c5f6aba3af9b2ef7b3af2f3c14f1db8
odhcpd - 2015-11-19-01d3f9d64486ac1daa144848944e877e7f0cb762
opkg - 9c97d5ecd795709c8584e972bfdf3aee3a5b846d-9
ppp - 2.4.7-6
ppp-mod-pppoe - 2.4.7-6
procd - 2015-10-29.1-d5fddd91b966424bb63e943e789704d52382cc18
rpcd - 2015-01-10-f00890cd6eb47ad9bb5da0fb6c50aedc8406e7c5
ubox - 2015-11-22-c086167a0154745c677f8730a336ea9cf7d71031
ubus - 2015-05-25-f361bfa5fcb2daadf3b160583ce665024f8d108e
ubusd - 2015-05-25-f361bfa5fcb2daadf3b160583ce665024f8d108e
uci - 2015-08-27.1-1
kmod-slhc - 3.18.23-1
kmod-sound-arm-bcm2835 - 3.18.23-1
kmod-sound-core - 3.18.23-1
kmod-usb-core - 3.18.23-1
kmod-usb-hid - 3.18.23-1
libblobmsg-json - 2015-11-08-10429bccd0dc5d204635e110a7a8fae7b80d16cb
libc -
libgcc - 4.8-linaro-1
libip4tc - 1.4.21-1
libip6tc - 1.4.21-1
libiwinfo - 2015-06-01-ade8b1b299cbd5748db1acf80dd3e9f567938371
libiwinfo-lua - 2015-06-01-ade8b1b299cbd5748db1acf80dd3e9f567938371
libjson-c - 0.12-1
libjson-script - 2015-11-08-10429bccd0dc5d204635e110a7a8fae7b80d16cb
liblua - 5.1.5-1
libnl - 3.2.21-1
libnl-tiny - 0.1-4
libpthread -
libubox - 2015-11-08-10429bccd0dc5d204635e110a7a8fae7b80d16cb
libubus - 2015-05-25-f361bfa5fcb2daadf3b160583ce665024f8d108e
libubus-lua - 2015-05-25-f361bfa5fcb2daadf3b160583ce665024f8d108e
libuci - 2015-08-27.1-1
libuci-lua - 2015-08-27.1-1
libxtables - 1.4.21-1
lua - 5.1.5-1
luci - git-16.018.33482-3201903-1
luci-app-firewall - git-16.018.33482-3201903-1
luci-base - git-16.018.33482-3201903-1
luci-lib-ip - git-16.018.33482-3201903-1
luci-lib-nixio - git-16.018.33482-3201903-1
luci-mod-admin-full - git-16.018.33482-3201903-1
luci-proto-ipv6 - git-16.018.33482-3201903-1
luci-proto-ppp - git-16.018.33482-3201903-1
luci-theme-bootstrap - git-16.018.33482-3201903-1
mtd - 21
netifd - 2015-12-16-245527193e90906451be35c2b8e972b8712ea6ab
odhcp6c - 2015-07-13-024525798c5f6aba3af9b2ef7b3af2f3c14f1db8
odhcpd - 2015-11-19-01d3f9d64486ac1daa144848944e877e7f0cb762
opkg - 9c97d5ecd795709c8584e972bfdf3aee3a5b846d-9
ppp - 2.4.7-6
ppp-mod-pppoe - 2.4.7-6
procd - 2015-10-29.1-d5fddd91b966424bb63e943e789704d52382cc18
rpcd - 2015-01-10-f00890cd6eb47ad9bb5da0fb6c50aedc8406e7c5
ubox - 2015-11-22-c086167a0154745c677f8730a336ea9cf7d71031
ubus - 2015-05-25-f361bfa5fcb2daadf3b160583ce665024f8d108e
ubusd - 2015-05-25-f361bfa5fcb2daadf3b160583ce665024f8d108e
uci - 2015-08-27.1-1
Did I miss something?
With kind regards