OpenWrt Forum Archive

Topic: USB Tether to Ethernet using TL-MR3020

The content of this topic has been archived on 26 Mar 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.


I'm wondering if it's possible to turn TL-MR3020 into a router to share USB tether connection with the LAN.

USB Tether -> TL-MR3020 -> Unmanaged Switch

P.S. I've not used OpenWRT before, but I do have some Linux experience.

If this is possible to do with OpenWRT, how?

My question is can I use USB tethered internet connection & share it over the ethernet port.

richusx wrote:

My question is can I use USB tethered internet connection & share it over the ethernet port.

The answer is in the link he gave you.  Yes you can

The discussion might have continued from here.