OpenWrt Forum Archive

Topic: Identify Radio Type

The content of this topic has been archived on 1 May 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.

I have a dual band device and I want to write a script that will configure different settings for both bands, like I want to set password for 5GHz radio SSID, while for 2.4 GHz SSID, I want to keep it open.
Now from the documentation available, I know I can use the below commands to set the properties, but how would I know that the radio I am configuring is 2.4 or 5?

uci set wireless.@wifi-device[0].encryption="psk2"

iw list

muhd.usman87 wrote:

I have a dual band device and I want to write a script that will configure different settings for both bands, like I want to set password for 5GHz radio SSID, while for 2.4 GHz SSID, I want to keep it open.
Now from the documentation available, I know I can use the below commands to set the properties, but how would I know that the radio I am configuring is 2.4 or 5?

uci set wireless.@wifi-device[0].encryption="psk2"

Thanks for your reply. But how can I get the info in script as output of iw list is quite lengthy, Can you please tell me how to parse that information?

The discussion might have continued from here.