I would like to optimize the Wifi connection range in one of the dorm rooms and I would like to extend the WLAN range. However there is the problem that provided network is with WPA enterprise (I.e. not using PSK, but user(!)/password combination), so simple range extending is not possible.
So the Openwrt router should act as client on the provided network and can span a new (simpler) network for private use.
How would I configure this with OpenWrt? Especially what would be the basic "concept" in OpenWrt for this?
See below what I did, but some questions I already puzzle about after unsuccessful tries:
How many interfaces (and "which") do I use?
Can they use the same radio device?
Do I need to install relayd?
Do I need to install the the host client in the WAN zone and the new private network in the LAN zone?
Can I do this on the same radio device or are there any special hardware requirements perhaps?
I have tried to use a TP-Link WR841N for this, but with my first tries I was out of luck trying to setup externder configuration against even a simple host PSK network (I'm not currently at final location)
I must say I did understand simple IP routing quite well like several years ago, but I'm more or less new to the linux (Openwrt) interfaces concept.
I saw that WPA enterprise seems to require some special package to be installed, as the standard configuration doesn't support this. Not as this point yet.
I tried to join the host network first (using join netwok button in Lucy), and then tried to create a new interface (?) on the same radio device (using new SSID, WPA-PSK and other IP subnet). I put the interfaces to different zones: the client part in WAN, the new network in LAN.
However as soon as I try to enable the second interface, the router becomes unresponsive. Did all with Lucy..
To be honest, I'm not really sure what I am doing here. But I would be very grateful if someone could share some insights here.. Hope this all makes sense.