OpenWrt Forum Archive

Topic: Installing Android File Transfer

The content of this topic has been archived on 5 May 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.


I bought a small travel router with OpenWRT installed. I have a Galaxy S6 and Verizon blocks tethering with my plan, but I was able to bypass that with FoxFi. After Android 7.0, Android changed some of the internals and now, FoxFi only works in Bluetooth of USB mode. This is problematic because the PDANet client frequently crashes, and also the Bluetooth DUN isn't as good as WiFi, but the USB mode prevents me from moving around a room, and I have the WORST luck at hotels when it comes to free WiFi. I always get the 1 bar, 14KBPS speed connection.

I was hoping this OpenWRT router would let me connect my phone and share the internet, but FoxFi says I need to install Android File Transfer on my router.

I looked online and it does look like there are versions of this for Linux, but after connecting to the router via SSH, it doesn't have a SUDO command.

Is there any way to install packages that aren't listed in the GUI interface?

By default, logging in via ssh makes you the root user, so no need for sudo.

There were (and probably still are) serious problems with OpenWrt's port of the Bluetooth stack.  Bluetooth of any sort is unlikely to work.

Applications that are not in the package repository will need to be compiled at home.

(Last edited by mk24 on 7 Nov 2017, 17:40)

I have almost no experience with Linux.

I'm def not trying to use the BT stack. I want to connect the phone to the router via USB. It does support that, since it supports native tethering, I just need to get that Android File Transfer installed to get it to support FoxFi.

The discussion might have continued from here.