I already have a router in my home network so I wanted to enable the dumb AP option in my openwrt installed router, I disabled dhcp, assigned ip as and also disabled firewall from startup scripts. But now I can access only the main router via default gateway and I can't access the openwrt installed router via the ip I gave earlier.
What is the issue here?
Edit :I can access internet fine from my openwrt wifi, but I just can't access the openwrt router's LuCi interface. If I try to access the default gateway it takes me to my main router's configuration page.
Edit 2: the ipconfig command shows two values for the default gateway to openwrt) and, I can only accept the latter which takes me to the main router page.
Also the weird thing I noticed is the main router config page which gets opened has the uri
(Last edited by sapneshnaik on 7 Nov 2017, 19:27)