So I set up a dust-collecting Netgear WNR1000 v3 router with the trunk build firmware and it ran beautifully. I could ssh into the router and was attempting to get an internet connection on it. I then (blindly) followed some instructions and messed with the switch settings in /etc/config/network and after the reboot, I can no longer ssh into the router. Ping, telnet, and ssh all claim "No route to host." So, I searched the problems other people were having but it doesn't seem like many people run with this router and I have come up with nothing. Reading the Peacock thread was helpful in getting some more information regarding the problem, but has left me even more stumped.
Running a ping on the router's IP before bootup to monitor it will be unresponsive (naturally) until all LAN leds flash once (I assume when the firmware has loaded) at which point the router responds temporarily. The TTL is 64 (consistently; I also never see TTL 100 or 128) but after an average 4-6 responses it goes back to "Destination Host Unreachable." According to the Peacock thread, TTL=64 means that the firmware is what is responding to the ping. My best guess is the switch settings are being set a little bit after the firmware loads and when they do get set, the firmware doesn't know where to route packets. Every thread I've read, they either see TTL 64 while pinging (not just before total bootup) or other problems that I don't think are related.
I have tried the 30/30/30 reset, just holding the reset button for 30 seconds without restarting, attempts to see if I could tftp (I wasn't sure because I didn't understand if TTL 64 would allow that or not).
If any more information is needed I will respond ASAP.