OpenWrt Forum Archive

Topic: Anyone using a 3g/4g dongle over usb with OpenWRT/Lede?

The content of this topic has been archived on 18 Apr 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.

I bought a GL.iNet GL-MT300N-V2 with newest Lede build on it and wanted to use it with a 3G/4G usb dongle. It works for a bit, but randomly the dongle loses connection (mostly when switching nets or goes from UMTS to LTE and back) and the router doesnt auto-reconnect anymore. When this happens I have to reboot the router to get it working again.

I found some quotes googling about it, that OpenWRT doesnt really work with a USB 3g/4g dongle because of MultiWAN issues. Is this true? Is there a workaround to maybe make it stable?

The OpenWRT wiki says this for example: "Note: It seems multiwan isn't perfectly suited for 3G modems in terms of stability. Modems don't reconnect automatically by HealthMonitor. Also, after a manual modem restart, multiwan doesn't use the newly reattached interface until it's restarted."

(Last edited by makedir on 9 Nov 2017, 19:04)

I haven't managed to setup OpenWRT to work with Stick NCM-modem Huawei E3372h. What is firmware of your modem, Stick or Hilink? However it works with custom build of LEDE OfModemsAndMen.
If you get disconnects, it could be power failures, because modems are very sensitive to power supply. What PSU do you use? Use at least 2A, and connect modem to USB with external connector to separate power unit.

(Last edited by ulmwind on 10 Nov 2017, 20:05)

I didnt think of a power issue, that could be part of the problem. Do you know how much Watt a 4g dongle usually can need at a max peak? I used it on a battery pack which is 5V and 2A though I think. The LTE stick is some Huawei stick but I dont know which.

The discussion might have continued from here.