I'm proud to announce that MeshPoint (www.meshpoint.me) has become one of the 12 finalists of The Hackaday Prize 2017. We’re competing for first place in two categories: Best Product and as best project overall.

Without awesome work from OpenWrt and Lede maintainers and contributors we couldn't have done this without you. So a really big thanks to all of you! You have our deepest gratitude.

Thanks to the hard work of MeshPoint team members, the collaborative project has gotten another confirmation that we are working on technology that’s going to make a significant impact on the IT industry and the humanitarian innovation sector. In the past months, we have been working hard to perfect our device’s efficiency, performance and appliance.

Out of the 12 chosen finalists, 5 are selected to win 5,000 up to 50,000 USD. Honestly, just being selected as one of the best by leading IT experts, engineers, entrepreneurs and professors from reputable American universities (such as MIT) is great motivation and a clear message to our team that we’re on the right track.

The announcement will be made on the Hackaday Superconference 2017, the largest international conference dedicated to open source hardware projects and hardware development.
The conference starts on Saturday, 11th of November. The announcements will be made on: Saturday, 11th of November at 18:30 California time (Sunday 03:30 CET)

You can follow the event live on the Hackaday Youtube channel or on the Hackaday Facebook page.

Thanks to all MeshPoint team members: Milijana Micunovic (Crisis Innovation Lab), Valent Turkovic (Crisis Innovation Lab), Robert Marko, David Blazevic, Ivan Vidakovic (HexaWorx), Lukas Fässler, Luka Perkov (Sartura), Davor Popovic (Sartura), Luka Mustafa (Institute IRNAS), Luka Simic, Marin Stević, Robert Sorić and David Zovko (e-radionica).

(Last edited by valentt on 13 Nov 2017, 22:05)