I have problems connecing to a wireless WPA2-EAP network and wonder if I make some configuration error.
I recently bought an Archer C5 v1.2 (Atheros chipset) and have already uploaded newest LEDE. I read that in order to use WPA Enterprise I needed to use wpad (i.e.done opkg update | opkg remove wpad-mini | opkg install wpad).
Now when I try to use and configure using Luci I fail to connect to the network.
What I do:
Scan for wireless networks (Button scan on the wireless page)
Click 'Join' to join the intended network (Shown as WPA2 802.1x, i.e. WPA2 Enterprise.)
Select "WAN" for the zone
Try to enter the following values under for the security setting
Encryption: WPA2-EAP
Cipher: auto
EAP-Method: PEAP
Path to CA-Certificate: (leave blank)
Authentication: MSCHAPv2
Identity: <my username>
Anonymous Identity: <my username>
Password: <my password>
Should it be possible to connect to a WPA2-EAP network like this?
If my parameters above are wrong, how do I figure out what to configure correctly?
Or are some steps required which are not to be done in Luci?
I have no access to the AP, and don't have much details about its configuration. The AP is from Cisco, and I can login with PC and Android just fine. In PC adapter settings the properties are shown as "WPA2-Enterprise", "AES" and "PEAP".
Although not really used to Linux, using SCP, command line etc. shouldn't be a big problem if required.
Right now I already fail at connecting that WPA2-EAP network. In the end I would like to optimize the Wifi connection range in one of the dorm rooms and I would like to extend the WLAN range. However there is the problem that provided network is with WPA enterprise (I.e. not using PSK, but user(!)/password combination), so simple range extending is not possible. It managed to use the router already to be a client in one wireless network and provide a new private to test this scenario, but in this testcase the original network was not yet the one with WPA2 enterprise. So I guess that once I can connect to the WPA2 enterprise network as client, the rest should simply work then.