can somebody say me what is the correct configuration to allow connect to a listen port in a server inside my LAN using the tunnel of VPN pptp.
Actually I have connected the VPN tunnel to my router OpenWrt Barrier Breaker 14.07 and for less I have ping using the IP static of VPN..
what config file I need to check ??
| | ------------
WAN 180.X.X.X ---| openwrt-box |--- LAN --- ---| Server |
| | listen port 14000 ------------
PPTP 172.X.X.X/32
I can not connect from 172.X.X.X/32 to
Neither from 172.X.X.X/32 to
I have only PING after allow echo-request in firewall for zone VPN
AND using this (Routing packets back from incoming interface pptp)
echo "1 vpn" >> /etc/iproute2/rt_tables
ip route add 172.X.X.X/32 dev pptp-vpn table vpn
ip route add default via 172.X.X.1 dev pptp-vpn table vpn
ip rule add from 172.X.X.X/32 table vpn
ip rule add to 172.X.X.X/32 table vpn
ip route flush cache
maybe for now can somebody help and say me how connect 172.X.X.X/32 to
(Last edited by jxtrem on 16 Nov 2017, 20:02)