What Linksys seems to be doing, don’t totally know yet, I tried to flash dd-wrt on router and I had registered with Linksys. It wouldn’t flash but it let me reset back to ome.. I went back to linksyssmartwifi screen, No place to manual load or choose file under connectivity. Called and the more or less told me not to worry there were updates available. I told her that I was thinking about loading did-wrt in the future she said they didn’t support it. I told her that on the box they said that it was OpenWrt and dd-wrt ready. She more or less told me she couldn’t do anything. Has anyone else had this problem with Linksys?
Topic: Linksys manipulation on WRT3200ACM open wrt and did-wrt ready
The content of this topic has been archived on 2 May 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.
I don't have this problem with my Linksys WRT3200ACM. How it should work:
1. Log into your router (default ip is
2. Go to Connectivity
3. In the section "Firmware Update" select "Choose File"
4. Select the LEDE factory file and update
Here is a link with pictures (in German but you get the idea).
Yes that is correct, but it was no longer on the screen to do that. Resetting didn’t bring it back up.
Magic Simon great tutorial, but they will no longer make the manual choose file available. I think it all had to do with my trying to flash dd-wrt and the failure.
boot to secondary partition if there is valid firmware there
I have reset and entered both ways but the screen will still not display the manual choose file option or even the local option, thinking back she asked if I had tried to load did-wrt. It makes me think this thing is getting snake oily.
Thinking about getting different router, ideas will be appreciated.
the 3200 is a very powerful router, it would be a shame to abandon it not to mention to loose the $$$ you spent.
That being said, the r8000 is a comparable router and very solid.
The discussion might have continued from here.