Hi, I'm new here. How's everybody doing?
I have a strange case of my WR841N v8.4 not talking properly via Putty with my PC. I'm using USB-TTL serial interface on CH340G and only listening seems to be working fine. I checked all cables, plugs, connections under magnifying glass and traced them to SoC and verified there is a signal (with a beep on multimeter). I checked CH340g as well - all OK.
Baud I'm using is 117000, 7N1 - yes, that's 7bits-often case with ch340.
When I disconnect Rx router side, I can read console on 115200 without artifacts.
With both lines connected I get:
[Links here - can't post yet]
115200: imgur_com/a/2L6AM
128000: imgur_com/a/lDTWS
I read somewhere about pluging in multimeter between Rx and Gnd and it seems to have helped a bit as I'm able to interact with router but still cannot enter 'tpl'. Interaction is allowed after booting process, when whatever I type in I get asked to authenticate with a login and pswd-tried admin/admin and root/5up-nothing works but at least I get information back that credentials were invalid - Tx(PC)->Rx works
Vcc not connected ofc.
I figured I make some more measurements, just in case. Maybe someone will have any idea what to do.
Pins on router have: Vcc-3.3v; Tx-2.52v; Rx-3.03v with USB-TTL connected and ACadapter ON.
Impendence between pins: Rx-Gnd - 725 Ohm; Rx-Vcc - indefinite; Tx-Gnd - 722Ohm; Tx-Vcc - 82,5kOhm
Do I need to use a pull-up/pull-down resistor? I know it has not been the case on my build but who knows? What are your voltages on the pins?
Maybe Rx is not Rx?
Can anyone help? Thanks a bunch
(Last edited by meekowai on 21 Nov 2017, 17:06)