maybe you can help me.
I have:
MyLocal LAN with DHCP Router (IP <-> connected from LAN to WAN of TP LINK 841ND
It has the ip - DHCP default on, wifi SSID + WPA2 set, Access Point WDS --> nothing else changed
The SECOND TP LINK 841ND (client) -> hast the ip -> DHCP off, scan for wifi, logged in into wifi from sender OK. checked LAN (green one) and not WAN. Saved & Applied. Then admin panel site reloads and the checkbox shown has wan checked is this correct?
Problem: I have no internet connection on both devices, the cable is fine (pluged on wan port) AND do i have all configured well done? or is something missing
Little confused, should be an easy thing.
By the way, all router have the same firmware, are resetted and clean.