Hi MK24 thank you for your response firm ware is currently My OpenWrt Barrier Breaker 14.07 / LuCI Trunk (unknown)
Under wi fi with 2.4ghz network selected it only shows IP address and no Mac address.
It does show the names of devices that I have configured on my network.
I think in the box where my named devices are I have seen mac address. there does not appear to be a way of selecting a device to do any thing with it.
Perhaps I need to up grade my firm ware to a more advance interface how ever I am concerned that I will not be able to configure it to get It to work at all.
I purchased the router from china it came already to connect to the internet. I am using a 3g network sim card.
I was able to configure the wi fi network but had to dis- able some of the firewall settings to enable connection to internet. what I could really do with is some user manual or instructions on how to configure the settings the router is dual band 2.4 and 5g Wi fi.
The router is a Kuwi fi router.
I have started looking on the web site and found a different firm ware version that seems to have more functions but as I said I am concerned about not being able to reconfigure it due to lack of experience in this field. Do you have any suggestions on the best way to go about doing all this.
Basically I am using the router to run my internal network 5 devices and a printer and a wi fi net work hot spot that I do not want wi fi users to be able to hack my own computers.
Many thanks
(Last edited by James86-87 on 9 Dec 2017, 18:52)