What is the difference between WZR-1750DHP2 and WZR-1750DHP ?
We have a big pile of used "WZR-1750DHP2" appeared in the second-hand market. Probably, some corporate, or ISP hardware renewal.
I am interested of making something good of them with the help of OpenWRT, but "WZR-1750DHP2" is not in the hardware list.
Topic: WZR-1750DHP and WZR-1750DHP2 difference?
The content of this topic has been archived on 30 Apr 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.
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- open it and report the hardware specs.
- connect a 3.3V serial cable and report output.
I can't . I have to purchase them first.
And I need to know what's inside, in order to make correct decision.
Would it be possible to buy one and test?
The discussion might have continued from here.
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