I have buy an anonymous router (but it does very good work!) with MT7621, 512 Mb ram, 2.4, 5 ghz wifi.
There is installed barrier breaker 14.07 and luci trunk (unknown) as factory os
I'm newbe here, i can not find the software for mt7621 in barrier breaker download section but i find the software for mt7621 in chaos calmer section.
how is it possible?
i have read all the documentation but it's not for me to upgrade to 15.05 (it's more for my capacity),
howewer the only thing i need is upnp.
any one can send me or post this module package for barrier breaker or tell me how i can resolve in other way?
sorry for my english.
Topic: missing miniupnp for mt7621 in barrier breaker
The content of this topic has been archived on 1 May 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.
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I have the same issue. Probably the same router
Please post here if you find a solution.
(Last edited by jaryco on 4 Jan 2018, 02:23)
Barrier Breaker didn't have support for the mt7621 architecture at all.
the solution is here:
The discussion might have continued from here.
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