I use command
/etc/init.d/sqm stop
to stop sqm. Here is output:
root@OpenWrt:~# /etc/init.d/sqm stop
SQM: /usr/lib/sqm/stop-sqm: Stopping eth0.2
SQM: ifb associated with interface eth0.2:
SQM: Currently no ifb is associated with eth0.2, this is normal during starting of the sqm system.
SQM: /usr/lib/sqm/stop-sqm: ifb4eth0.2 shaper deleted
SQM: /usr/lib/sqm/stop-sqm: ifb4eth0.2 interface deleted
SQM: /usr/lib/sqm/stop-sqm: Stopping wlan0
SQM: ifb associated with interface wlan0:
SQM: Currently no ifb is associated with wlan0, this is normal during starting of the sqm system.
SQM: /usr/lib/sqm/stop-sqm: ifb4wlan0 shaper deleted
SQM: /usr/lib/sqm/stop-sqm: ifb4wlan0 interface deleted
root@OpenWrt:~# bmon
root@OpenWrt:~# bmon
root@OpenWrt:~# /etc/init.d/sqm stop
root@OpenWrt:~# /etc/init.d/sqm stop
root@OpenWrt:~# /etc/init.d/sqm stop
However, if I use bmon to see network traffic, I can still see fq_codel, which means SQM is not turned off :
lo bmon 3.5
Interfaces x RX bps pps %x TX bps pps %
>lo x 0 0 x 0 0
eth0 x 120.59KiB 137 x 9.81KiB 116
qdisc none (fq_codel) x 0 0 x 9.35KiB 116
eth0.1 x 115.02KiB 117 x 9.34KiB 116
eth0.2 x 3.15KiB 20 x 14B 0
br-lan x 114.89KiB 116 x 9.34KiB 116
wlan0 x 9.02KiB 115 x 118.67KiB 115
tun0 x 0 0 x 0 0
qdisc none (fq_codel) x 0 0 x 0 0
Am I missing something here? How can I truely turn SQM off without reboot?
(Last edited by a2232189 on 15 Dec 2017, 06:27)