Hi everyone,
Presently am working with carambola2 wifi module.
1) carambola2 has twoethernet ports(like eth0 and eth1).
2) With carambola2 we made a custom board, in this board we used ethernet_0(ETH0) port connection only and we
did not connected ethernet_1(ETH1) port any where(means we leave it free).
3) And also we did 'br-lan' with eth0(means bridge eth0 with br-lan) and leave eth1 as it is.
4) After this we connected external ethernet cable(internet provider cable) to carambola2 eth0 port for accessing
internet(like PPPoE) sucessfully my board act as router.
5) My board has usb port for showing console messages and also for debug.
Here my question is:-
"If I type "ifconfig" command in my board via usb port ,then it showing different ip address which is not pubic ip?
and also if i try to open router login page by entering 192.168.0.x it is not opening?"
Really I dont understand what happening inside it? am i install any packages?
Please help me to come out of this problem.
Thank you inadvance