OpenWrt Forum Archive

Topic: I blew up the firmware?

The content of this topic has been archived on 29 Mar 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.

I've been learning this all of 2 weeks. I blew up the LEDE firmware Admin GUI and the only access I have is via a terminal.

I've read about using scp to send files to debrick but haven't found specific instructions. This is a TP-Link Archer C7 v2 wifi-router.

Mr. Adams how to is beyond the scope of my technical knowledge. Does setting an IP outside of the Linux issued one need to be changed back after the debricking, etc.

The Youtube vid's creator, cited below, assumes you have /docroot. I cannot find that via cd /docroot.

The OpenWRT forum for this device has a OP of 38 pages and I've not found much helpful info. Good read though. I get the TFTP, but I'm not able to get it to xfer.

Can someone point to a URL or how-to? Please.

Sources consulted:
Board won't let me post the links I've used for research.

You can use a program like FileZilla to send files using SCP; then you can install OpenWrt again.

I think I have used my Linux VM and sent the firmware file directly to the router. I cant remember how but maybe you can google it. I think it should be in the wiki somewhere. And @eduperez is also right and it might help you re-install the firmware. After you successfully flash the firmware, the IP might be changed back to

If OpenWrt boots and you can ssh to it, run firstboot to reset to default settings. This should bring back LuCI if it was part of the original flash image.  If you flashed a trunk image, you will need to install LuCI again.

The discussion might have continued from here.